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Sunday, August 13, 2006 @ 23:06

hello. last three days have been crazy. lol. most of it was real fun tho.

had filming on friday for my final video module assignment. flew down to expo with caleb and jiayi for the planetshakers concert with my abide2 and the rest after that. was great. really truly good. not as good as last year's synergise conference one tho. but still, what's better than gathering to praise God in a way like that eh? heh. really happy jiayi came. will continue praying for you gal, and that one day u'll come to know him like we do. =)

well then, rushed down to tpsu's sub-comm training camp, yep, straight after all that jumping and screamin. lol. was really hyper for some reason then for some strange reason. probably partly overflow from the high of worship and partly coz i was in the same group as john and caleb. hahas! yeah john and caleb and i, in one group. damn shoke can. lol.

camp wasnt really that fun (it was a *training* camp afterall), but i guess i really really enjoyed myself then, more than i have in a longggg time. =) was probably the company that made the whole differenece, we were crazy i tell u. CRAZY. lol! and my group rawked;
ivy. whahas.. didnt really like the name at first, but i guess it kindda grew on me. we were one totally crazy and random group, my favourate kindda team. heh. made a few new good friends here and there too. lol. might give more details later on. =P
but for now, seeing that itz 5:13am, and i have a socio presentation 2mr, im thinking i should keep this short. lol. so anyhow, like i said, i really enjoyed the camp. Sure, it was supposed to be hard on us, since it was a training camp and all. but i guess it was more of a much needed break for me. I havent let lose like i did in camp for wayy too long. lol. yays.

man i'm tired.
everytime i decide to walk away, i end up turnin back again.